Author Guidelines of SCHUBARTIANA

Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted to as a text file (Word as .doc, .docx, .rtf or Libre Office as .odt) with separately figures, tables and supplementary material as original files. Format and structure of the manuscripts should be conform to the information provide to the author guidelines. Please send larger data in several mails or provide a download link to the files. Submitting a paper to SCHUBARTIANA implies that the manuscript has not been submitted to any another journal. Authorisations needed for other proprietary material (e.g. maps or pictures) must be obtained by the authors prior to submission of the manuscript.

Language: Manuscripts can be provided in English and in German. In the case of a German main text an English abstract should be provided. Abstracts in other languages can be provided, if related to the geographic area of the manuscript.

Basic layout (A4): Text should be in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, left-justified, the margins width 3 cm on all sides, without syllabication or group style mode. All pages should be numbered sequentially. Tables, figures and the corresponding captions should be provided at the end of the manuscript, each page with only a single figure or table. For supplementary material only the caption is given and the supplementary material sent separately. All figures (graphics, photographs, maps) should be provided in at least 300 dpi resolution, referred in .JPG or .TIFF format and tables in .XLS, .XLSX or CSV. format each as separate file (TIF, JPG, BMP). Printing of illustrations in colour is only possible by special agreement. Authors should indicate on the text margin where figures and tables should be placed.

Heading: title centered; author list with complete name and surname, a mark for corresponding author; number of figures, tables and maps; address of the author(s).

Abstract: English obligatory.

Keywords: Three to seven words, which are not included in the title.

Running Title: Short version of the title.

Main text: The manuscript is recommended to be structured in 1 Introduction, 2 Material and 3 Methods, 4 Results, 5 Discussion, 6 Acknowledgements, 7 References. Subsections are possible to subdivide large manuscripts. In some cases (e.g. short communications <2 pp., book review) may differ from the general structure.

Manuscript design: Genus and species names in italics. At first mention of names in the text or in tables should include the authority and year of publication according to the rules of nomenclature. Reference in the text should be written in small capitals (e.g. MÜLLER 2012, MÜLLER & AUGUST 2011, MÜLLER et al. 2016). Names in other context (e.g. collectors) are in normal script.

References: References are listed in alphabetical order (first author) and then chronologically according to the format listed below. Please provide DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers or a web link to whenever possible.

Article in a journal
Smith, A. (1990): Contribution to Myriapoda. – Journal of Global Zoology 23 (3): 245-256. doi:

Meyer, J. J.; Smith, A. (2000): Book of Myriapodology. – Fast Publisher, New York: 1350 pp.

Chapter or article in a book
Miller, H.-W. (2000): Ecology. – In: Meyer, J.J. (ed.): Book of Myriapodology. Fast Publisher, New York: 1350 pp.

Book with several volumes or parts
Morris, J. (2002): Pauropoda and Symphyla. – In: Meyer, J.J.; Smith, A. (eds): Books on Myriapodology 3. Gold Publisher, London: 253 pp. doi:

Contribution in a thematic volume of a journal
Miller, H.-W. (2014): New contributions to Myriapodology. – In: Smith, A. (ed.): Proceedings of the 100th Congress of Myriapodology. – Journal of Faunistics 23 (1-2): 23-25.

Contribution in a Proceedings book
Wang, S; Fernandez, C.; Rodriguez, R. D. F. (1986): New methodologies in Myriapodology. – In: Foster, D. (ed.): Proceedings of the national congress of Myriapodology. National zoological Museum, Nationaltown: 97-121.

Thesis, Report
Smith, A. (1973): Evolution of Myriapoda. – Thesis, University of Hometown, My country: 156 pp.

Hacker, X. Q. T. (2017): Secure database on myriapodology – see online citation recommendation on my website. Available from [accessed 01 January 2017]

Supplementary material: Various types of additional information or material can be provided ranging from tables, figures to media files, such as movies or other files formats. All supplementary material must be provided as files in a commonly used file format and should normally not exceed 100 MB of size for each file.

Coordinates: WGS84 in decimal degrees (e.g. 50.007°N; 5.998°E) is recommended.

Dates: Within text Day Month Year: e.g. 29 February 2015. For lists of records use Day.Month.Year; use roman capital numerals for month: 06.XII.2012, 01.-14.V.1990, 01.IV.-01.V.1986.

Manuscript editional handling: Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors of SCHUBARTIANA and, if necessary, it will be given to external referees. Submitted manuscripts are accepted, if editors and referees have recommended the publication. The editor-in-chief will inform the corresponding author. Upon acceptance of a manuscript, the copyright rests with the publisher. Papers will be published online individually. The printed issue is available at the beginning of each year containing all articles of the last year.

Proof: Modifications and corrections in the accepted manuscript will be arranged between editor and corresponding author (who represents all authors), using standard proofreading marks. The corresponding author will receive a final proof correction with the request to check it. Corrections changing the layout are not allowed in the final proof.